Vivos Sleep Apnea Treatment for Kids in Helotes, TX

Your child deserves to feel well-rested and ready to take on the day. Sleep apnea doesn’t just affect adults, but kids too! Suppose you’ve noticed your kiddo gasping at night, snoring, behavior problems, or just generally fatigued throughout the day. In that case, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our Helotes dentist and our team. One of our cutting-edge treatment options is Vivos Sleep Apnea Treatment for kids, a revolutionary non-invasive solution designed to help children with sleep apnea breathe easier and sleep better. This treatment is based on the principle of Pneumopedics®, which is the natural and non-surgical way to remodel and reposition the oral and nasal airway. This method helps to enhance airflow and improve breathing while your child sleeps.

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Vivos Sleep Apnea Treatment for Kids in Helotes

Why Should I Get Vivos Sleep Apnea Treatment for My Child?

If your child is suffering from sleep apnea in Helotes, they may be experiencing symptoms such as snoring, restlessness during sleep, and daytime fatigue. These symptoms can affect their overall health, academic performance, and quality of life. The Vivos Sleep Apnea Treatment is designed to address the root cause of sleep apnea, not just the symptoms. This treatment can help your child achieve restful sleep, improve their focus and academic performance, and enhance their overall well-being.

Helotes Vivos Sleep Apnea Treatment for Kids

Did you know…

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The Vivos treatment has been successful in reducing the need for CPAP!

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The Benefits Of Vivos Sleep Apnea Treatment

Non-Invasive Treatment

The Vivos Sleep Apnea Treatment is a non-invasive procedure that does not require surgery or the use of uncomfortable sleep devices. Your child will wear a custom-made oral appliance only at night or for a specific number of hours, making the treatment process comfortable and stress-free.

Permanent Solution

Unlike other treatments that only manage the symptoms of sleep apnea, the Vivos treatment aims to deliver a permanent solution. It works by gradually remodeling the airway to enhance breathing, which can help eliminate sleep apnea symptoms permanently over time.

Improved Quality of Life

With the Vivos treatment, your child can experience improved sleep quality, increased energy levels, and better academic performance. This treatment can significantly enhance your child's overall quality of life.

The Vivos Sleep Apnea Treatment Process

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Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, Dr. Kinard will thoroughly evaluate your child's condition, discuss their symptoms, and determine if they are a good candidate for the Vivos treatment.

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Custom Treatment Plan

If your child is a suitable candidate for the treatment, Dr. Kinard will create a custom treatment plan tailored to your child's needs. This includes designing a custom-made oral appliance specifically for your child.

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Regular Follow-ups

Once your child starts the treatment, regular follow-ups will be scheduled to monitor your child's progress. During these visits, Dr. Kinard will make necessary adjustments to the oral appliance to ensure the best possible outcome.

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